Hot Wheels Ultimate Octo Car Wash Set is 49% off on Amazon
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On your journey from childhood to adulthood, you undergo many profound changes.
Maybe the most remarked upon, however, is the loss of innocence. The wonder and openness that once defined your every interaction is slowly, but surely, replaced by weariness, cynicism, and doubt. And that's perhaps no more starkly evident than in the difference between a child and an adult's reaction to visiting the car wash.
What to many adults is a normal chore is might make a child's day, or their week. The sights, sounds, and culture of a car wash are banal to the average adult, but stimulate the senses of children around the world.
So it's no surprise that Hot Wheels have capitalized on kids’ fascination with car washes in the design of their Ultimate Octo Car Wash Set. What is a surprise, though, is that this sprawling Hot Wheels track is available for a whopping 49% off today on Amazon.
Treat the Hot Wheels obsessive to a trip to the car wash, on you, and ensure you instill the importance of keeping one's vehicle clean.
Take your car through a loop-de-loop to the massive octopus washing station, as one does, and experience Hot Wheels innovative color-changing technology. ThisUltimate Octo Car Wash set contains a car that changes color depending on whether you load up the large green octopus with hot or cold water. With over four feet of track, and hours of color-changing fun, this Hot Wheels track would be a steal at any price, but it's especially so at nearly 50% off this week on Amazon.
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